There are lots of COVID-19 myths going around…
One COVID-19 myth is that because churches are not holding regular, in-person services, they can’t do outreach.
This stems from the common but false belief that inviting people to a church service is the best (or only) way to do evangelism and share the gospel.
Many people are feeling anxious and fearful and seeking hope in something bigger than themselves. This is the perfect time for church leaders to mobilize their members to reach out to family, friends and neighbors with love and the good news of Jesus Christ. So, in this article we’re sharing with you…
7 Ways Christians, Churches Can Reach Out to Neighbors During COVID-19
1) Take care of one another. Jesus said, “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” (John 13:35). When we love and sacrifice to care for the brothers and sisters in Christ in our own congregation, this is a powerful testimony to not-yet-believers of who Jesus is and what His kingdom is all about.
2) Neighborhood prayer walks. My family and I recently started doing neighborhood prayer walks after dinner. When we run into a neighbor, we ask them how they’re doing and if there’s anything we can pray about for them (while maintaining 6 foot social distancing). By doing this we’ve reconnected with some neighbors we haven’t seen in a while and met others for the first time.
3) Neighbor outreach signs and door hangers. Here are some cool resources to help you and your church reach out to neighbors and help them. They even have a free webinar you and your church can watch.
4) Text, call, email write people. When people are anxious and fearful, they tend to become self-focused. Take the initiative to reach out to the people around you. If you’re prone to ask, “Why do I always have to be the one who initiates?” Remember that Jesus reached out to us many times before we ever responded.
5) Support your local food pantry. With 22 million Americans filing for unemployment in the last 4 weeks, people are turning more than ever to food pantries. If your church doesn’t have a food pantry of its own, this is a great time to partner with a local food pantry or at least encourage your members to donate food.
6) Share online services. If you are live streaming worship services with Church Stream, Facebook Live or YouTube Live, or uploading sermons to your website, encourage your members to not only participate but share those services/sermons with their friends.
7) Ramp up your social media. Use these 7 Ways Your Church Can Minister Through Social Media During COVID-19
BONUS: Create a COVID-19 Resources page. One of our sayings here at OurChurch.Com is “People start their search for just about everything online” This includes searching for a church, which is why we so strongly advocate for and help with church SEO. One church SEO strategy we recommend is to create a page that lists local resources like food banks, counseling services, recovery ministries. During the COVID-19 pandemic, consider creating a COVID-19 Resources page for your city.
Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me. -Matthew 25:40
Click for more COVID-19 Response Resources or see our COVID-19 Update.
Comment and discuss… What have you and your church been doing to love and support your neighbors?
Co-founder & CEO, OurChurch.Com
Paul has been the CEO of OurChurch.Com since its founding in 1996, combining his passion for faith and technology to lead the organization.
An accomplished writer, Paul has authored over 2,000 articles on faith and technology, featured on platforms like, The JoyFM, and his personal blog,
Beyond his professional achievements, Paul serves as an elder at Journey Community Church and is deeply engaged in his community through his involvement with the Florida Sheriffs Youth Ranch and the Safety Harbor Chamber of Commerce. He is a contributing author of the book Outspoken! Conversations on Church Communication.