Terms of Service
Last updated: March 1, 2023
For the purpose of this document, you, the recipient of OurChurch.Com website service, will be referred to as Member.
Member may only use OurChurch.Com services for lawful purposes. Transmission of any material in violation of any Federal, State or Local regulation is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to copyrighted material, material legally judged to be threatening or obscene, pornographic, profane, or material protected by trade secrets.
As a Christian organization, OurChurch.Com restricts the use of its website service to supporting individuals and organizations who share our Christian beliefs. OurChurch.Com reserves the right to de-activate Member’s website if Member does not agree with our statement of faith. Member is permitted to use OurChurch.Com’s website service for things that are not specifically Christian such as family pictures, hobbies, and business interests so long as the individual operating the website is a Christian and the content of the website does not violate Christian principles as determined by OurChurch.Com.
Member is not permitted to use OurChurch.Com’s website service to build a website for the sole purpose or promoting or linking to another website.
Member is not permitted to send unsolicited email (commonly known as SPAM) to promote his or her website.
Member is responsible for providing their own computer or mobile device, hardware and software equipment and services necessary to access OurChurch.Com.
Member is required to maintain a valid Internet e-mail address and is responsible for notifying OurChurch.Com immediately of any changes in e-mail address. If Member becomes unreachable because the email address listed with his or her website is no longer functional, OurChurch.Com may discontinue access to the website or delete the website entirely.
Member agrees to allow OurChurch.Com to send text messages about client-specific services and billing issues.
OurChurch.Com reserves the right to change the format, content, or substance of its website service at anytime. Notice will be provided to Member upon any changes in service.
For OurChurch.Com’s free website service, if the Member does not login to their account for 6 months, OurChurch.Com reserves the right to deactivate the account.
OurChurch.Com will provide a refund only in the case that it is unable to provide the services specified for the website hosting package ordered by Member and a refund is requested by Member.
To keep costs down and make the payment process as easy as possible, OurChurch.Com processes all payments electronically and offers auto renewal for our clients.
When invoices for your services are up for renewal, we will simply use the payment method on file to renew your services. If you do not want for OurChurch.Com to keep your payment method on file for future invoices, please contact support@ourchurch.com to inform us of your preference.
If you mail a payment via check, we will make an e-check payment on their behalf and shred the check.
By using OurChurch.Com’s services, if you mail in a check you authorize OurChurch.Com to process your payment electronically.
If an electronic check payment is returned or charged back, a $30 processing fee will be charged to the account.
The Internet is neither owned nor controlled by any one entity; therefore, OurChurch.Com can make no guarantee that any given user shall be able to access the servers on which its software operates at any given time. OurChurch.Com represents that it shall make every good faith effort to ensure that its servers are available as widely as possible and with as little service interruption as possible.
Under no circumstances, including negligence, shall OurChurch.Com, its officers, agents or anyone else involved in creating, producing or distributing OurChurch.Com’s service be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages that result from the use of, or inability to use, the OurChurch.Com service; or that results from mistakes, omissions, interruptions, deletion of files, errors, defects, delays in operation, or transmission or any failure of performance, whether or not limited to “acts of God,” communication failure, theft, destruction or unauthorized access to OurChurch.Com’s records, programs or services.
Notwithstanding the above, Member’s exclusive remedies for all damages, losses and causes of actions ó whether in contract, tort including negligence or otherwise shall not exceed the aggregate dollar amount which member paid during the term of this Agreement and any reasonable attorney’s fee and court costs.