This is a guest post by Andrew Ketterly about how to spread the gospel online. Learn how you can become a guest blogger.
Sharing the gospel with strangers wasn’t something that came naturally to me. As a matter of fact… I was a nervous wreck the first time I did it. I was part of a ministry team that trained us in sharing the gospel. Then, as a team we went to the mall once we were properly trained. I did end up sharing the gospel. But I wasn’t very “good” at it… and God didn’t seem like He was present in any special way.
Actually I spent the whole summer sharing the gospel with strangers and no one came to know Christ through these efforts. You might not find that to be very strange since we were, after all, sharing with strangers. But the other people on my team were leading others in a sinner’s prayer and introducing people to a relationship with God and I wanted that.
But what we had learned during that summer stuck with me. And instilled in me was a strong desire to share my faith with others and to see others come to know God through me. What a humbling experience that is.
So I went back to college in the fall…
I had lived for more than twenty years and grown up in the church all my life… how could I not have brought someone to a relationship with God in all that time? I was in my dorm one day and I began playing an online video game. The other person I was talking to was a deaf boy from the Baltimore area. I asked him if he had ever been to church. He said that he had… but that no one ever told him what it was all about and he couldn’t really hear what was going on. I told him I was studying to be a pastor. And I asked him if he’d like me to tell him. He was intrigued. And I was ecstatic.
So I shared the gospel with this boy. I didn’t seem nervous. I didn’t stutter. I looked up Romans Road and had it on the right side of the monitor in a separate window. And I shared the gospel with him articulately. And he said He wanted to be a Christian. And I prayed through the sinner’s prayer with Him. He accepted Christ that day. And I was able to hide behind a computer screen the whole time. And God used me and it felt great.
If you’ve never shared the gospel before…
You should start doing it as soon as you finish read this article. I got my haircut the other day and immediately began talking to strangers about what Christ did for them on the cross. But now it comes more naturally and feels more conversational. The more we do it, the easier it becomes. And sharing your faith online is a great first step for many. If you haven’t tried it yet… it’s definitely a growing experience.
To read more articles about how to spread the gospel online, click here.
Awesome post, Andrew! Thanks for sharing it. Sharing my faith with strangers doesn't come naturally to me either, and I too found it much easier online. I hope your story motivates others to give sharing their faith online a try!
Thanks for reading and for commenting Paul. I appreciate your words. I continue to share the gospel both online and off. Some people are more responsive over the internet as it might be more comfortable for them as well to open up about their beliefs and their doubts.
Hi Paul. I just produced a short video titled ONE QUESTION on my Son's YouTube channel.
The short "synopsis" of the video is:
The most important question — let's call it the "One Question" — you'll ever have to answer for yourself, is answered in this short video using straightforward logic.
Here's the link:…
Thank you and God bless!!
Great post! It really does help to share the gospel online. For many, this will even make them more effective offline. I am a live chat volunteer for NeedHim who operates The whole point is to share the gospel. Thanks to Hobby Lobby donating millions of dollars, there are ads on MTV, VH1, BET, and Cartoon Network's Adult Swim. The sad part is they could use more volunteers to not miss out on chats. I'm excited about the people I've got to lead to Christ.
That's great. I've never heard of it before, I'll have to check it out. I wonder what kind of screening they do.
They use a criminal background check and contact your pastor. You have to agree to the statement of faith, what you can do, and go through training online. Chats are then reviewed.
My partner and i appreciate your words. I continue to share the gospel equally online and off. Some people are more responsive online as it might be more comfortable for them at the same time to open up about their beliefs and their questions.THANKS
Thanks for reading! We're not worthy to carry his sandals. Yet he calls us to carry his word. Pretty great stuff. Thanks for sharing our faith.