Become a Guest Blogger

Do you have a strong interest in seeing Christians using Internet technology to advance their churches, schools, ministries, and personal lives? Do you have a unique perspective and opinion? Have you thought about blogging but don’t know how to start?  Or started a blog that’s not getting many readers?

Becoming a guest blogger on the Christian Web Trends blog may be just the opportunity you’ve been looking for.  OurChurch.Com is looking for insightful, tech-savvy Christ-followers to share their unique perspective with CWT readers.  Benefits include:

  • Distribution to @OurChurchDotCom‘s 10,000+ Twitter followers.
  • Distribution to our 2,000+ Facebook fans
  • Distribution to several hundred additional RSS subscribers.
  • A one sentence “About the Author” section at the bottom of each article including a link to the author’s website, which will bring new visitors and possibly improved search rankings.
  • The opportunity to educate and encourage ministry leaders.

If this sounds like an opportunity you would like to take advantage of, please register a username and complete your profile.  When you register, you’ll automatically be given access to CTW as a “contributor” which means you can login and post articles for consideration.  OCC staff will review all articles submitted and those that meet the guidelines and are approved will be published at a future date.


  • Articles must be original, not posted elsewhere on the web, and not simply restating information or opinions already available elsewhere.
  • Articles must be relevant to the application of Internet technology to ministry.
  • Articles must be well written. Good grammar, spelling and punctuation are essential.
  • For the best chance of getting published, include these 7 Essential Ingredients for Cooking Up Mouth-Watering Blog Posts
  • Guest bloggers must be Christian and agree with OCC’s statement of faith.
  • If you’re post is related to something your company or ministry does, you’re welcome to mention you’re organization and include a link once in the post. If you’d like to post a press release or post that is all about your organization, please contact us about doing a Sponsored Post.

Additional Details

  • OCC will not edit articles.  We’ll either publish them as is or not at all.
  • After we review an article, we will let the author know whether it has been approved or not and if approved an estimated date of publication.
  • If an article is not approved, the author is welcome to publish it elsewhere.
  • There’s no commitment or limit to the number of articles one can submit.  Submit one article or one a week.

Lots of bloggers have gotten their start as a guest blogger on an established blog.  Maybe this is your chance.  Or maybe every once in a while you’ve got a ministry/tech insight you just want to share.  If you have any questions, please send them to our help desk.

If you’re ready to get started, please check out these Additional Guest Blogging Guidelines.

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