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Thank you for choosing OurChurch.Com to host your church website.


Order Today and get a FREE Domain Name with all paid church hosting packages!


Select the Church Web Hosting Package Right for You

Gold Silver Bronze
Domain Name $19.95 Free! $19.95 Free! $19.95 Free!
Disk Space 24,000 MB 6,000 MB 2,000 MB
Page Limit Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
WP-EZ Web Builder
Contact Form
Prayer Request
Photo Gallery
PayPal Cart
User Access Manager
Monthly Payment $19.95 $11.95 $5.95
Or Pay Annually
(2 months free)
See More Details

No money in the budget for a website? Create a free church website.

Not sure which hosting package is the best fit for you?

Christian/church web hosting serviceDon’t put your church web hosting in the hands of a massive secular corporation with outsourced support!

It’s just not worth the risk, anxiety, or the hassle.


OurChurch.Com’s Church Website Hosting gives you…

Christian/church web hosting ministry partnerTrusted Ministry Partner
Our mission is to help Christian organizations live out their mission online. We have helped thousands of organizations do that since 1996. Our team has served as teacher, elder, school board members, business owners and missionaries. We share your faith and values. You can trust us with your church web hosting and website.


Christian/church website builderPowerful, Easy to Use Web Builder
Every church website hosting account includes our WP-EZ Church Website Builder, Which is as easy to use as a word processor, and includes powerful features- eNewsletter, calendar, shopping cart, photo gallery, audio, video- that enable you to communicate with excellence. It’s WordPress made easy!


Christian/church web hosting support

Superior Support
You’re always just a call, chat or email away from our friendly, knowledgeable, U.S. based, Christian support staff to help you with your website and all your church website hosting services.


mobile-friendly Christian/church web hostingMobile Friendly
Rest assured your church website will work just fine on any device – computer, tablet or phone.



See what other clients are saying about OurChurch.Com:

“The WP-EZ Website Builder gave us exactly what we needed…
OCC has done exactly what we’d hoped they’d do!”

“OurChurch.Com was wonderful to work with OCC professionals are right there to help us with any issues we have.”

– Jayne Lauer
Lutheran High
School South

“We found a company that understands who we are, what we need, and where we are going.”

-Rev. Mike Carmen
Knott Avenue
Christian Church


Order Today and get a FREE Domain Name with all paid church hosting packages!


Select the Church Web Hosting Package Right for You

Gold Silver Bronze
Monthly Payment $19.95 $11.95 $5.95
Or Pay Annually
(2 months free)