Ad Specs

PPC Banner Pinnacle Sponsor Spotlight Sponsor Prime Sponsor Text Link Advertising Top & Mid Blog Ad Lower Blog Ad
Dimensions in pixels(width x height) 468×60 180×150 180×150 120×60 Approximately 25 characters (depending on size of characters & capitalization) 300×250 125×125
Maximum size 25 kb 25 kb 25 kb 25 kb Arial font Size 10 40 kb 15 kb
Format gif, jpeg, video gif, jpeg, video gif, jpeg, video gif, jpeg, video text gif, jpeg, video gif, jpeg, video
Rotating Ad? Yes No No No No No No
Minimum purchase or length of term $300 3 months 3 months 3 months 3 months 3 months 3 months

Right of Review policy. OurChurch.Com reserves the right to review and refuse any advertising campaign that conflicts with our values and beliefs. This includes, but is not limited to, advertising that is sexually suggestive, vulgar, or divisive and advertising that promotes gambling, pornography, alcohol, tobacco, or non-Christian religious organizations.

Confidentiality Policy. When advertising with OurChurch.Com, OurChurch.Com and the client agree not to discuss the terms of the contract (including contract length, quantity and rate) with any other party. Failure to keep terms confidential may result in termination of the contract.

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