Take 10 seconds to answer the following questions:
- Do you carry a checkbook everywhere you go?
- How often do you have more than $50 cash with you?
Most people probably answered “no” and “not often” (Being a parent of 3 children, I rarely have more than $20 😉
But if you are only offering cash or check as a way for people to give, you are telling your members and supporters, “We love you and appreciate your giving but not enough to meet you where you are.”
The financial landscape has changed drastically in the last 20 years and it is time for churches to catch up.
We introduced Your Online Giving App (YODA) to get you caught up and meet your members where they are.
If you are not familiar with the details of YODA, please check them out here.
If you’re still feeling stuck in the old ways of giving, let me encourage you with today’s Yoda quote…
Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose. -Yoda

YODA will close to new signups Tuesday
A lot of churches and ministries signed up for YODA in the first 3 days and are already receiving online donations! If yours is one of them, congratulations!
If not, you can still get YODA with an SSL certificate (needed to encrypt payment info) at a discounted rate of $79 until 5PM EST Tuesday.
At 5 PM Tuesday we will close YODA to new signups. (We may re-open it again in 8-12 months but we’re not sure.)
Click here to add YODA to your website

Co-founder & CEO, OurChurch.Com
Paul has been the CEO of OurChurch.Com since its founding in 1996, combining his passion for faith and technology to lead the organization.
An accomplished writer, Paul has authored over 2,000 articles on faith and technology, featured on platforms like ChurchLeaders.com, The JoyFM, and his personal blog, LiveIntentionally.org.
Beyond his professional achievements, Paul serves as an elder at Journey Community Church and is deeply engaged in his community through his involvement with the Florida Sheriffs Youth Ranch and the Safety Harbor Chamber of Commerce. He is a contributing author of the book Outspoken! Conversations on Church Communication.