We continue our series on Church Website Hosting FAQs…
Pete in Towson, MD asks, “Will a website hosting company backup my website and its data?“
Backing up your website data is really important. It’s like insurance if anything really bad happens to your website, such as if it gets hacked, if you mess it up while editing it, or if the server crashes.
OurChurch.Com provide 3 types of backups:
1. Automated nightly offsite backups. As the name implies, these backups happen automatically every night. We have backups that go back 30 days, so if you discover your website got messed up yesterday or 4 weeks ago, we can restore it for you.
These backups are stored offsite, in another state, so that in the unlikely event that our entire data center was destroyed in a natural disaster, we could still get your website back up and running.
2. RAID backups. RAID is a technology that stores data to two hard drives simultaneously. This way, if a server’s hard drive fails, it won’t take hours to restore all of the sites from an offsite backup. If a hard drive fails, we simply make the backup drive the new primary, pop in a new backup, and everything is up and running in minutes instead of hours.
3. Manual backups. The cPanel control panel has a feature that enables you to back up your account yourself and download it to your computer any time you like.
Not every web hosting provider includes all 3 of these backups with every hosting package, so be sure to ask about backup options before you choose your web hosting provider.
If you’re looking for church website hosting with an easy-to-use website builder, provides all the other services you need, and is supported by a team that shares your faith…
Getting started with OurChurch.Com’s church website hosting is simple:
- Go to OurChurch.Com
- Select your web hosting package
- Complete your order
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- How does knowing your church website hosting provider automatically backs up your website and its data give you peace of mind?