Browsing: search marketing

God is the God of all people. So, the church is supposed to reach out to all people; however multi ethnic outreach can be difficult. All People’s Church is taking on that challenge and having success. What’s the most effective way they are reaching people?

Meet Tim and Diana Journy of The Journey Through ministry. They are serving people by helping them with their marriages when times are tough. They are using SEO to reach people and it’s helping in ways they didn’t expect. Read their story.

How many people visited your website last week? How did they find your site? What did they do while on your website? These are all helpful things to know for any webmaster and critical things to know if you are actively marketing your website. Google Analytics can tell you these things. In this post we’ll show exactly how to setup Google Analytics on your NE1 website.

Meta tags can be the difference between your website showing up in the search engines for your target keywords or being stuck on page 30. Watch this video to see how you can quickly and easily setup meta tags for your NE1 site and start boosting your search rankings today.