Browsing: Facebook

Each of the next 20 weekdays, some fantastic guest bloggers and I are going to share and discuss one creative Internet evangelism idea. That’s 20 ideas from 12 bloggers in 20 days. Check out the list of bloggers & how you can get involved.

Tuesday Google made its latest foray into the social media space with the grand announcement of Google Buzz. Google is trying to leverage their Gmail user base to create a Facebook- and Twitter-killer. But there are 2 big problems with that.

Every year my church puts a lot of time and energy into putting on an exceptional, creative Christmas production. This year we decided to try a new way to get the word out: Facebook Ads. The results blew me away!

Recently Tim Bednar tweeted: I am beginning to believe that in the next decade “search” will decline along with SEO in favor of discovery via your social network. As I thought about it I realized there are a bunch of other things people are doing on social networking sites which they used to do elsewhere. As a result, there are bunch of sites that are losing traffic to social networks. Here are 5 that come to mind…