The World War II memorial wasn’t built until 2004 and, sadly, most World War II veterans won’t live long enough or have the ability to see it.
But new technology is changing that.
Veterans United is now using Google Glass and Google+ Hangouts to provide virtual “Hero Tours” to veterans who want to see their memorials but can’t travel. Have a look at this video in which Sarah Hill provides veterans with a virtual Google Glass tour…
Great idea isn’t it?
Kudos to Sarah and Veterans United for this creative use of technology!
I learned about Hero Tours yesterday as Jason Wiser interviewed Sarah Hill in this 30 minute OnTrackTips G+ Hangout – “See-Commerce” and “Human Media” With Sarah Hill (Great job Jason & Sarah!)
I share this with you in the hopes that it would spark other creative ideas. So…
What other ways could Google Glass and Google+ Hangouts be used to help others?