Browsing: communications

In my previous articles about usability testing, I wrote about ways for businesses and organizations to perform their own usability testing with minimal cost, time, and difficulty. One of the great online features that make this possible is with Procaster. No, this is not a paid endorsement. We were just so thrilled with LiveStream’s service when we did our last usability test that I had to share.

Now it’s possible for teachers to quickly, easily, and securely communicate directly with parents through their school website. teachers can easily create and update a private web page for each student. Each page is password protected so that only that student’s teacher(s) can edit it and only that student’s parents can view it. Check out this demo video.

Last week I wrote about why I believe Willow Creek and Saddleback and Losing Influence while North Point and are Gaining Influence. Thanks to all of you who joined in the conversation. Thanks in particular to all of you at Willow Creek, Saddleback, North Point, and folks who added your insight to the post. Based on your comments, there are 4 areas I want to address. (And sorry to disappoint some of you, but Reveal is not one of them.)

For the last couple of decades Willow Creek Community Church outside of Chicago and Saddleback Church in Southern California have been the twin towers of influence in American evangelical circles. Thousands of churches have sought to emulate their success by adopting Willow Creek’s seeker church model and Saddleback’s purpose driven church model.

But in the last several year’s Willow Creek’s and Saddleback’s influence has begin to decline. Pastors and Christian leaders have been looking elsewhere for ideas, resources, and leadership. More and more of them (especially those in their 20s and 30s) are being influenced by churches like North Point Community Church in Atlanta, led by Andy Stanley, and in Edmond, OK led by Craig Groeschel.

There are some obvious reasons for this, but there are also some not-so-obvious reasons.

The debate over online church has been going on for years now. But as more and more churches launch Internet campuses, the debate continues to grow. A few days ago John Piper shared his thoughts on the issue. Piper is essentially saying church is to online church as sex is to online sex.

This is a guest blog post by Francis Tuffour. What do Billy Graham, Jerry Falwell, Rex Humbard, Oral Roberts, Pat…