Hi, I’m Paul Steinbrueck of OurChurch.Com! And in these series I’ve been talking about My 7 Communications Resolutions for 2013. This is the last video in the series, and so I’m talking about #7: Focused Engagement.
You know when it comes to social media, there are 2 bad extremes.
On the one hand, there are some people who don’t engage at all. They basically broadcast on social media and they don’t listen or interact at all.
Then on the other hand, you have people who engage with just about everybody they possibly can, and so they end up spending hours trying to respond to everybody and listening to everything and it just becomes overwhelming.
So my resolution in 2013 is focused engagement. And that is to be very intentional about the people who I’m listening to, who I’m interacting with, I’m collaborating with, and not to try to do those things with everybody, but to have a groups of people who I’m really focused on engaging with, and make the best use of my time in social media in that way.
Bonus strategy tip not in the video: I’m doing this using Twitter lists and G+ circles. I do not look at stream of tweets & updates from everyone, but I am intentional about scheduling time every day to view & respond to the tweets/updates of a few small lists that limit to 20-30 people.
So, if that is one of your resolutions this year or something that you are already very good at. I would love to hear about how you’re doing that or how you intend to do that in this upcoming year. So go ahead and post a comment below. Let me know and let’s discuss it.
Thanks a lot and thanks for joining me for these whole series. And, I hope 2013 is your best Communications year yet!