Hi and welcome to OurChurch.Com’s Christian Web Trends blog. Here we discuss news and trends in communications technology and how that impacts Christian individuals and organizations. Our goal is to help Christian individuals and organizations make better use of communications technology in their churches, schools, ministries, businesses, and personal lives.
As a Christian web design, hosting, and search marketing company, our staff is passionate about cutting-edge Internet technology. Not only are we constantly reading news, articles, and other blogs, but every day we get to help thousands of Christian organizations use the web. Plus we’re always experimenting with new ideas and developing new services. So, when we blog, we do so as web development professionals with lots of first hand experience.
In addition to that, our staff has also experienced life on the “other side” as a part of organizations trying to use the Internet to communicate effectively. All of our staff are involved in their churches – as elders, worship leaders, small group leaders, Sunday school teachers, and missions trip leaders. Some have served on school boards, others have worked as teachers, and several have started their own businesses. So, we understand what you’re going through, trying to figure out how to best use the Internet, work within a budget, and work with people different backgrounds and abilities.
That’s not to say that we have it all figured out, though. We’ve got some insight and perspective, but yours is just as important. This blog is nothing without people like you posting your insight and opinions in comments and guest blog articles. We hope you’ll subscribe to receive updates by email or RSS, return often, and join the discussion.
In His Service,
Paul Steinbrueck, CEO