Browsing: technology

More and more churches are launching Internet campuses, aka virtual churches. Meanwhile, people continue to debate whether Biblical community can really exist online. Drew Goodmanson weighed in with his perspective on Thursday with an excellent article entitled Is Online Community real Community? Questions about the Virtual Church

In the article Drew cites 27 “one anothering” verses from scripture. Looking at these verses it’s clear that while some “one anothering” can be done online, there are certainly some things that are not technologically possible to do in an online community and in those areas a virtual church simply can’t live up to the biblical standard.

Getting even more practical…

The debate over online church has been going on for years now. But as more and more churches launch Internet campuses, the debate continues to grow. A few days ago John Piper shared his thoughts on the issue. Piper is essentially saying church is to online church as sex is to online sex.

This is a guest blog post by Francis Tuffour. What do Billy Graham, Jerry Falwell, Rex Humbard, Oral Roberts, Pat…

Yesterday marked the start of the group blogging project for the book Flickering Pixels by Shane Hipps. Susan Stewart kicked things off with an post about chapter 1 . At the conclusion of her post, she asks an excellent question:

Are you using technology because it’s there (an idol)? Or, because it is the best way to communicate the message (a tool)?

I’d like to think I’m using each technology because it’s the best way to communicate, but if I’m totally honest I’d have to say that sometimes I choose certain mediums for other reasons. Two of them come to mind.

Shane Hipps, pastor of Trinity Mennonite Church in Glendale, AZ, has written a book called Flickering Pixels – How Technology Shapes Your Faith. I’m going to be joining with a bunch of other people who love to think about Internet/ministry issues to discuss the book as a part of a group blog project starting June 1.