A look at a custom Wordpress modification to allow full customization of the Tweet button on a Wordpress blog enabling Webmasters to easily integrate Google Analytics and receive tracking data from Twitter links.
Browsing: wordpress
Great, new ideas rarely come from one isolated person. Usually, they’re are a mashup of ideas from two or more people. Here are 5 collaboration tools I’m thankful for. What tools help you collaborate?
Sometime yesterday when the number of comments on the first post in our series on online church began to mount up and I found myself replying to 3 different comments with one comment of my own, I realized the default way Wordpress handles comments was completely inadequate for the magnitude of the conversation about online church we’re trying to have here. So, this morning I installed the IntenseDebate Comments plugin for Wordpress.
We made a number of improvements to Christian Web Trends this morning. Before you read the list below take a look and see how many of the 7 changes you can name.