Browsing: social networking

Today in part 3 our round table looks at personal use of social networking tools. We all have multiple circles of relationships – family, friends, work, church, community organizations, hobbies, personal interest groups and more. Can we connect with everyone in the same place using the same social networking tool(s)? If not, which tools are best used for which relationships?

Happy Friday everyone! Last week’s initial attempt at Free Link Friday completely bombed.  But we don’t give up easily, so…

In part 2 of our Social Networking Round Table we looks at social media for organizations. There are lots of opportunities for organizations to connect with people using social networking tools like blogs, Facebook, Twitter, and so on. Many organizations struggle to decide which tools to use and how to use them effectively. Our panel provides some insight to help your organization navigate those options.

Another day, another social networking experiment.  Today’s experiment is called “Free Link Friday.”  It’s simple: every Friday we’ll give you…

Last night, PBS published an article entitled Religious Evangelists Spread Faith through Social Media. What I like about the article is it shows how sharing your faith through social networks addresses many of the misconceptions and horror stories of evangelism.