Search Results: 31dbbb (41)

There have been a slew of movies recently which are remakes of older films. Similarly, there are lots of good reasons to go back through your old posts and update some of them. Here are four quick tips for revamping your posts.

Leaving comments on other blogs is a practice that many of the 31DBBB participants have already been doing for nearly 20 days. Leaving a comment on another blog in your niche is a great way to get yourself noticed and is probably the best thing since yellow hot-shots.

The idea behind creating a sneeze page for your blog? Quite the opposite of spewing bacteria all over your friends, family and co-workers while wondering why no one says God bless you anymore, your blog’s sneeze page encourages your visitors to stick around for a while, hand sanitizer optional.

One of the hardest things that I’ve ever done was to blog in a silo. Today’s assignment is to find a blog buddy – someone that you can share ideas with, get feedback from, and work on projects with.