If your church isn’t texting yet, consider this…
Browsing: mobile
Before we close down YODA sign-ups at 5 PM EST today, ask yourself 2 simple questions…
If you want online giving, time is running out…
Today is the last chance to get this offer on YODA – Your Online Donation App
This is the moment that can change everything for your church giving problems!
Many of you shared this struggle with us. Help is on the way!
Info on Google’s local update, news on Google’s move to mobile and data on the impact of local reviews
Technology is constantly changing? Will you respond the hard way or the E.A.S.Y way.
Google may seem dominant in online search, as if they have no serious competitors. But here are 6 Google competitors you may not have thought of.
This month’s SEO news involves mobile search and the rise of voice-activated digital assistants