This is a guest post by David Brown.
Some Church’s do things the same way they have been doing them for years. Sadly, these Church’s rarely attract new members and eventually are forced to close their doors. More progressive Church’s are constantly looking for new material, outreach opportunities and community involvement. These are all very important for the grown of any Church. Now ask yourself, “who are we reaching”. You may be in a large Church that attracts thousands every week or a small country Church with a handful of members. Either way, you have the opportunity to reach many, many more for the Kingdom of God.
Acts 1:8 tells us “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come on you, and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem (city), in all Judea (state) and Samaria (Country), and to the ends of the earth (World).” Preaching and ministering to your existing members is not enough. Even reaching out to those in your community, is not enough in God’s eye. We are called to witness to the world.
I am blessed to be a part of a small Baptist Church in a very poor and rural area. However we are reaching many more than those in the Church. Most businesses now know that they must have a large online presence to stay in business. The same philosophy applies to the Church for two reasons; Church growth, and Kingdom growth.
Church Growth
You could have a beautiful Church with the best preacher, music, and services. You may have wonderful programs for all age groups and great community involvement. Even with this, many in your community won’t know about your Church. A growing percentage of the population will shop around online before making any large purchase. The same applies when they are shopping around for a Church. Can you be found online? Do you provide information about all of your services, programs, & small groups? Do you have specific information just for visitors? These can make all the difference for some people when deciding if they should even bother visiting your Church.
Kingdom Growth
As I stated above, Acts 1:8, and many other verses in the Bible tell that we should be witnessing to people all over the world. No it is not likely that any one Church is going to impact everyone in the world, but do you reaching as many as possible? Christian blogs reach thousands of people every day that have never set foot into a Church. Services can be streamed online for everyone to view. With the internet, the opportunities are endless.
Wither your Church has a membership of 50 or 50,000, if you are not also spreading the Gospel online; you are missing opportunities to grow His kingdom. Are you just preaching to the choir, or are you actively engaged in being His witness to the ends of the earth?
This is a guest post by David Brown from Renewed Strength Please visit Renewed Strength for more inspiring posts.
Photo courtsey of 15RichmondPark
1 Comment
Hey David, thanks for writing today's post. It's great that your small, rural church is taking advantage of the opportunities of this digital age and having a bigger, broader impact building the Kingdom of God!