Before you can set and evaluate goals for your website, you need to do this…
Browsing: resolutions
Not sure what to do with your website this year? The first thing to do is…
If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll probably end up somewhere else.
Do you know difference between a bad resolution and a good resolution? Good resolutions are S.M.A.R.T.
Yogi Berra once say, “If you don’t know where you are going, you might wind up someplace else.” Make sure you’re setting the right type of goals.
My #7 communications resolution for 2013 is to have focused engagement in social media. Find out what that means and how it can help you communicate more effectively in 2013.
My #6 communications resolution for 2013 is to reuse content in multiple forms for multiple purposes. Find out why.
My #5 communications resolution for 2013 is to create better systems and delegate specific tasks in the communications process to others. Find out why.
My #4 communications resolution for 2013 is to create a whole batch of content at one time. Find out why.
My #3 communications resolution for 2013 is to plan ahead. Find out why.